Important Notice: 2023 Lead Testing Annual Notice


2023 drinking water quality monitoring conducted by the Mineral Point Water Utility and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has found elevated levels of lead in drinking water in some homes/buildings in the City of Mineral Point. As a result of these tests we are required to annually provide public education materials to our customers. Although the primary sources of lead exposure are lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust or soil, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 10 to 20 percent of a person’s potential exposure to lead may come from drinking water.

The City of Mineral Point’s recent lead and copper water testing resulted in two test results exceeding the action level for lead set by the Wisconsin DNR. The City currently undertakes lead and copper testing at ten sites in the City, every three years. Seven of the ten test sites have known lead service laterals including the two test sites with results exceeding action levels. A service lateral is a part of the water infrastructure that connects a private home or business to the water infrastructure system. This is the water pipe that leaves your building and connects to the larger water system.  If you have concerns about your service lateral being lead, please contact the Water Utility at 608-987-8088 to schedule an inspection. It is highly recommended that residents and business owners determine if they have a lead service lateral and plan to have it replaced as soon as possible if it is lead.

The City is working with the Wisconsin DNR to address the issue of lead, informing residents of test results, and continuing to work towards updating the City’s water systems.

The City of Mineral Point is concerned about the health of its residents because lead can cause serious health problems if too much enters your body from drinking water or other sources.  Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age groups. Infants and children can have decreases in IQ and attention span. Lead exposure can lead to new learning and behavior problems or exacerbate existing learning and behavior problems. The children of women who are exposed to lead before or during pregnancy can have increased risk of these adverse health effects. Adults can have increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney or nervous system problems. Lead is stored in the bones, and it can be released later in life. During pregnancy, the child receives lead from the mother’s bones while in utero, which may affect the child’s brain development.

There are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to lead in your water:

► Determine if you have a lead service lateral. If you do, plan to replace it as soon as possible.

► Run your water to flush out lead. Run water for 15-30 seconds to flush lead from interior plumbing or until it becomes cold or reaches a steady temperature before using it for drinking or cooking if it hasn’t been used for several hours.

►Use cold water for cooking and preparing baby formula.

► Do not boil water to remove lead. Boiling water will not reduce lead.

► Look for alternative drinking water sources (bottled water) or treatment of water. You may want to consider purchasing bottled water or a water filter. The best faucet filters that remove lead effectively are those with a high lead removal capacity, NSF/ANSI Standard 53 certification, and a good service life. Reliable brands offer faucet mount filters that ensure safe and clean drinking water.

► Test your water for lead. Below are several nearby state-certified labs:

Iowa County Health Department: 303 West Chapel Street in Dodgeville. Water sample collection kits from the Health Department can be picked up at the Health Department Monday through Friday between 8:00-4:30 PM. The cost is $35. Please contact the health department for questions at 608-930-9870.

LV Labs: They are located at 1001 S. Madison Street in Lancaster. Please call them for additional information at 608-723-4096.

Lafayette County Health Department: They are located at 729 Clay Street Darlington. Please call them for additional information at 608-776-4895.

► You may consider blood lead testing for your child. Contact your healthcare provider or local health department to find out how you can get your child tested for lead if you are concerned about exposure.

► Identify and replace plumbing fixtures containing lead.

Call the Water Utility at 608-987-8088 to schedule a service lateral inspection or call the City of Mineral Point (608-987-2361), or Iowa County Health Department (608-930-9870) with questions or to have water testing done at your property. For more information on reducing lead exposure around your home/building and the health effects of lead, visit EPA’s Web site at, the Wisconsin DHS Web site at, or contact your healthcare provider.