Brush Pick-Up

Due to the nice weather we’ve been having lately, the City of Mineral Point will do a brush pick-up on Monday, March 17th.  Please place all items for brush pick-up out at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Monday, March 17th, but no earlier than Friday, March 14th.

Brush includes sticks, limbs, and other woody material.  Brush must not be over 6″ in diameter or 6′ in length.  No yard waste will be picked up.  Yard waste includes grass clippings, weeds, dirt, and other compostable materials. 

As a reminder, the normal brush pick-up schedule will begin on April 1st, with pick-up taking place on the 3rd Monday of the month.  The first normally scheduled brush pick-up day will be on April 21st.