Leaf Pick-Up
The City of Mineral Point Streets Department is scheduling leaf pick-up to start on the following dates: …
Vacancy – Multiple Commissions
The City of Mineral Point is currently seeking to fill open positions on the Plan…
Flushing Hydrants S of Front Street
This week our Water/Sewer guys will be flushing hydrants south of Front Street. You may…
Dumping at Compost Site
Over the weekend illegal dumping of garbage and brush materials took place at the City’s…
Facilities Lighting Retrofit
Please see the Request for Proposals for the City’s Facilities Lighting Retrofit project.
National Voter Registration Day
Have you moved? Has your name changed? Are you a first time voter? If yes,…
Request for Development Proposals – Due January 15th!
Requests for Development ProposalsFormer City Garage at 114 Fountain St., Mineral Point, WI The City…
We Need Election Workers!
The City is in need of poll workers for the November 5th Presidential Election. If…
E-Bike and Bicycle Safety
There has been a recent uptick in observed violations and citizen complaints regarding the usage…
Brush Site Update
Beginning this weekend, the City of Mineral Point’s brush site, located behind the wastewater treatment…