Water Off – Merry Christmas Lane
On Monday, May 20, City crews will be working to repair a hydrant on Merry…
Reminder – Water Material Survey
A water survey was recently sent out with all water bills. The City is asking…
Happy Arbor Day!
April 26, 2024 Happy Arbor Day! To celebrate Arbor Day in Mineral Point Mineral Point…
Important Information: Brush Pick-Up
Due to our residential clean-up taking place next week, brush pick-up will not happen as…
City Wide Clean-Up
REMINDER City Wide Clean-Up will take place during the week of April 15th: April 15…
REMINDER – Water Material Survey
A water material survey was recently sent out with the February water bills. The City…
Brush Pick-Up
Monthly brush pick-up is scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, April – November. Brush should…
Now Accepting Applications for Summer Help!
The City is now taking applications for summer help at the pool and park. If…
Get Involved!
Have you ever considered volunteering to be on a City Committee or Commission? The City…