Planning and Development

TID #2
Mineral Point Housing Workforce Study
Iowa County CEDS (2014-2019)
2005 Mineral Point Comprehensive Plan (2020 Revision)

Comprehensive Plan Process
The City of Mineral Point began its comprehensive planning process in 2001 applying and receiving a grant through the Department of Administration.  Over a 3 year period, City council members and staff worked with residents, businesses , employees and other stakeholders to produce a plan to guide Mineral Point over the next 20 years.  The City Council adopted this plan on March 1st, 2005.  All zoning and development decisions must be consistent with the plan.  The Mineral Point Comprehensive Plan combines rigorous data analysis, creative thinking and expertise of City stakeholders to produce a blueprint to achieving the communities vision for its future. The Mineral Point Vision is what residents imagine the community looks now through the year 2022.

“Smart Growth” Plan
The City's Comprehensive Plan was prepared in compliance with Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law, Wisconsin Statute §66.1001. This law, commonly known as the “Smart Growth” Legislation, provides a framework for developing, adopting, and utilizing the plan for further planning. The 9 elements required through the Comprehensive Planning Legislation includes: