Tourism Commission

Mission: The Tourism Commission was established to provide expertise and recommendations to the city council concerning 95% of hotel occupancy tax revenue collected by the city and issues related to and that promoteĀ tourism.

Meeting: Quarterly

Term: 1 years

Members: The Mayor shall appoint seven (7) members. Those members shall be comprised of two (2) representatives from the lodging establishment in the City with the largest amount of guest rooms, two (2) representatives from the remainder lodging establishments, one (1) representative who contracts out commission function, one (1) representative from a retail business within the City, and one (1) representative from a historic/tourist attraction.

Tasks include:

  • The tax revenue shall be used to fund marketing efforts, including off-season events and promotions for tourism intended to increase room night stays during periods of low hotel/motel occupancy. Applications are accepted throughout the year; however, priority is given to those received by March 1st.
  • The tax revenues shall be used solely for marketing efforts that have the potential to increase overnight stays in local hotels, motels, inns or bed and breakfast establishments.
  • tax shall not be used, without the approval of the Commission, to support events existing prior to enactment of this section.
  • The funds collected from this tax shall be an additional source of revenue for purposes stated herein and shall not be considered a replacement of funding from the City of Mineral Point to the Mineral Point Chamber/Main Street.



Name Term Position Email
John Spady Chair/Member - Lodging [email protected]
Lauren Powers Member- Lodging [email protected]
Bethany Brander Member- Historic Site [email protected]
Mike Zupke Member-Lodging/Retail
Laura Cisler Chamber Representative
Keith Burrows Member- Council Representative [email protected]